Attending my second Pornfilmfestival Berlin was extra special for many reasons.
This year the Pornfilmfestival Berlin celebrated its 10th ‘Anniversary. I was excited to have been invited to be one of the Feature Film Competiton Jury. We had two films included in the program, ‘It’s My Birthday And I’ll Fly If I Want To’ and the world premiere of ‘Having My Cake’. It was wonderful to have Josie join me to represent and network for Team P4P. I attended as a ‘Berliner’. Last but not least, five days of great smut viewing, awesome people to hang out with and way too many parties for this ‘old lady’ to keep up with.
It was wonderful seeing Josie experiencing first hand, what being a member of the ‘Pornfilmfestival Family’ is really like, and why I consider them to be my chosen family. So much porn, so many new connections, as well as reuniting with ‘old friends’….so many exciting collaborations in discussion and to look forward to!
Congratulations, and a huge thankyou to all involved in putting on this incredible, sold out festival.
Congratulations to all the deserving winners.
Special thank you to Tabea Lehrner, extraordinary Berlin fashion designer, for making me feel glamorous in her exquisite designs.
Taking it easy and rather casually for the next few days as we prepare to start shooting more Permission4Pleasure films.