I Am Whole


AIamwholem Whole is a short narrative film on the Jungian concept “I must also have a dark side if I am to be whole.” It aims to explore the possible co-existence of disparate sexual desire within the self and celebrates the journey to self acceptance.

Starrting Morgana Muses, Kim Cums and Rob Paulson and with music by Pezaloom 

WATCH NOW with Erika Lust  

The film has been screened at Cinekink 2016 to great success.  You can stream it now from the p4p store or our affiliated sites



Woo Hoo…Winner Best Short Documentary…CineKink NYC

CineKink After Glow Party
After Glow Party with Traci Traci

I was completely overwhelmed and on the verge of tears, when ‘It’s My Birthday And I’ll Fly If I Want To’, was announced winner Best Short Documentary at CineKink NYC. Following the Awards Ceremony, the After Glow Party commenced and it was a wonderful way to end my first attendance at this incredible event.


CineKink Win
Winners Group Photo



Fun Times In NYC!

The Picture Says It All! Meeting new friend and room mate for the CineKink Event…Traci
Welcome to NYC drink with Traci
Snow Booties for Dogs!
BW CineCink
Photobombed at CineKink screening…with Traci.
Celebrating our success…with Traci and Lynsey G
My first Hookah…with Traci and Lynsey G
NYC Snow
Ice Queen…Roof top of Hotel.
Washington Square Park.
Pleasure Chest.
Shopping at Pleasure Chest…with Traci.


Attending My First CineKink NYC Film Festival…24 February ~ 1 March

Me, Sheona McDonald (Director of ‘Inside Her Sex‘ & Candida Royalle

Attending CineKink NYC Film Festival was on my bucket, so I couldn’t think of any better excuse to attend this year, when it was announced that two of my films were selected to be screened. ‘A Call For Help’ and most exciting of all, the world premiere screening of my short documentary ‘It’s My Birthday And I’ll Fly If I Want To’.

CineKink Lisa
With Lisa Vandever…Co-Founder & Director at CineKink


It was a fun and fabulous event, with an array of great films to watch, special events, workshops and parties to attend. Meeting Erotic Film Pioneer Candida Royalle, then standing on the same stage with her as we conducted our Q&A, was a personal highlight for me.

Lisa Vandever and her team, must be congratulated for all their hard work, putting together such a fine programme and event. Worth putting it in your calendar to attend…I can’t recommend it highly enough!

CineKink Jennifer
With Jennifer Lyon Bell (Blue Artichoke Films)


CineKink Lynsey
With Lynsey G




CineKink Q&A
Q&A: Sheona McDonald, Candida Royalle & Me.









ÉCU Film Festival Official Selection

I was absolutely blown away upon reading the email that arrived this morning, announcing that my short documentary ‘It’s My Birthday And I’ll Fly If I Want To’, was selected to be screened at ÉCU 10-12 April in Paris. I’m so excited that my love of rope, which inspired me to commission Garth Knight (Fine Artist & friend) to design and create the magnificent rope installation, before tying me into and throughout it, and photographing me for my 50th birthday portrait…has been so well received in the kink and non-kink film festivals. More of Garth Knight’s unique and incredible work can be seen here;http://garthknight.com



New Judith Lucy ABC Television Series…Judith Lucy Is All Woman

Anna, Judith & Me ABC
Anna Brownfield, Judith Lucy and me after shooting our episode.

It was just over 12 months ago that the ABC approached Anna Brownfield to see if she was interested in taking part in Judith Lucy’s new television series. “Of course…it’ll be so much fun”…I said, agreeing to Judith and her crew joining us as we conducted cast auditions for my film. Tonight the episode is finally going to air…and I’m feeling incredibly anxious, (apart from worrying about looking and sounding like a twat)…family, friends and acquaintances that weren’t aware of my new path in life, will now be informed by way of national television.

Ruby May ‘Down Under’

What a treat…spending the day with gorgeous Ms Ruby May…visiting from Berlin to facilitate some of her magical workshops for us folks ‘Down Under’. After a walk around the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne, we treated ourselves to a steam bath and massage.

I first met Ruby when I visited Berlin and attended her incredible ‘Elsewhere’ weekend workshop, that she co-facilitated with Felix Ruckert, and held at his space Schwelle7.




Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne
Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne