A full body positive glitter experience.
If there is one thing I know in life, it’s that glitter and duct tape will help mend most anything. In the depths of my depression I wanted to give myself an uplifting experience to look forward to and hopefully tempt me out of the “bed fort” that I was reluctant to leave. So last week I booked myself in for a full body glitter model shoot, with the amazing Mad Dame Artist. Ms Josie kindly acted as ‘my driver’ to ensure that an awesome, shiny and incredibly fun experience was not missed.
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.” – Akira Kurosawa
It was a completely uplifting, body positive experience that allowed me to take stock of my mental health for the day.
When all else fails…Sprinkle Glitter on it!
The end results, glorious aren’t they?!