Exhausting but an incredibly smooth and fun weekend of shooting our new film ‘I Am Whole’ was all made possible by the ‘dream team’ of crew and performers. Big thank you’s to Josie Hess for all of her meticulous work in preparing and organising this successful shoot-I’m always impressed and rather turned on by Josie’s colour coded shot lists. Cinematographer Michelle Flynn joined the crew, and gave depth to our team, with her talent and experience-the only downside when working with Michelle, is that I’d rather not work but hang out with this fun and spunky friend. Krackerjak took some time off from his professional wrestling gigs to come on board as our audio guy, but ended up providing us with so much more…such as birds eye view shots and technical advice for the ‘fight play’ scene. Last but definitely not least…two incredible performers Kim Cums and Rob Paulson. Both highly professional and an absolute delight to work with…not to mention damn hot…did I mention they were both hot???